How You Can Help Shape the Future of Work and Propel Your Career or Business to the Next Level.

It is time to completely rethink and restructure workplace compensation in response to evolving Future of Work trends and associated worker prosperity issues. You have an opportunity NOW to contribute professionally to groundbreaking economic research and propel your career or business to the next level.

This article offers a different vision of the Future of Work linked to an aggressive new economic research campaign that addresses workplace compensation at a fundamental level. The beauty of this vision is that you can take a real-time, active part in bringing this vision to fruition and benefit professionally and financially starting now.

Big Picture Vision

Consider the following:

  • During the industrial revolution, the average worker’s wealth-building capacity increased as workers migrated from farms and small shops to earn a wage in factories. It was a historic transition.

  • As we undergo this information revolution, shouldn’t there be a corresponding historic transition that dramatically improves the wealth-building capacity for the masses?? If so, where is it? All we see today is a decreasing middle class and a rising gap between rich and poor

Moreover, society is more connected with the internet, smartphones, and social media applications such as Facebook. However, most of this well-connected society still live paycheck to paycheck with little to no savings or assets.

The bottom line question here is how information technology and future technological innovation should be applied to improve the wealth-building potential of the average workers and masses. To address this question, we are launching an economic research project to explore how to use the internet and other information technology to increase the masses’ income production and wealth-building capacity at least three times over.

Yes, a 3-fold increase. Why not? THINK BIG. Why shouldn’t current and future technology innovations and applications elevate the income production, wealth building, and overall living standards of the masses three times over and more, if possible similar to something on the scale of the Industrial Revolution?

Think about it. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, over 90% of workers eked out a living on farms and small craftsman shops. Although history tells us that there were significant labor issues between workers and management during the Industrial Revolution, the income and overall standard of living increased 2 to 3 times over compared to the daily toil on farms and the craftsmanship. So, again, shouldn’t there be a corresponding historic transition that dramatically improves the wealth-building capacity of the masses today in the ongoing information and technological revolution??

Income Reengineering principles and processes underwrite the visionary hypothesis for this economic research. The compensation model underwriting this vision is the Empowered Employee Compensation Model (EECM). This model replaces hourly wages and salaries with 10 new income resources and benefits designed to usher in a 3-fold increase in the aggregate standard of living.

Background: Current Future of Work Punditry

Let’s start with a few short videos on the prevailing punditry regarding the Future of Work.

Both of these videos touched on two central themes:

  • Technological advances and machine learning capabilities will displace a significantly large portion of workers. These advances will continue to create dangerous income inequality in society, primarily between white-collar and traditional blue-collar workers. On the other hand, in the second video, Martin Ford indicated how the technological advances would also continue to affect some white-collar jobs (i.e., accounting, lawyers, software developers). The bottom line result of this will be mass unemployment.

  • Therefore, their solution to keep society stitched together is to institute a government-guaranteed basic income, which effectively decouples income from work –at the foundational level.

The first video was recorded eight years ago, and the second video was recorded four years ago. I’m sure you would agree; their predictions were accurate when considering current trends, made worst or accelerated by COVID-19. Even the guaranteed universal basic income was part of the political discussion during the 2020 election.

For all practical purposes, if society and government can politically negotiate a guaranteed universal basic income sometimes in the future, it will only be a bandaid on a constantly expanding wound. We have to attack this Future of Work issue at a fundamental level and completely rethink and restructure workplace compensation and the relationship between employees and employers as we know it.

The associated economic research and operational framework come alive under the umbrella of Income Reengineering.

How and Why Income Reengineering Principles and Processes Can Address and Solve this Future of Work issue

Income Reengineering principles and processes represent a grassroots-led wealth-building engine with the long-term goal of dramatically improving the income production and wealth-building of the masses. Many details are involved, but, in general, here’s how and why Income Reengineering Principles and Processes can address and solve this Future of Work issue:

  • What better way to address the income inequality issue than to aggressively integrate new and accessible wealth-building solutions across the mainstream economy that’s accessible to the masses via a simple internet connection?

  • The foundational wealth-building resources are independent of work, similar to the guaranteed Universal Basic Income noted above. However, unlike Universal Basic Income, these solutions are not limited by any government or political decisions or parameters. Instead, we deploy new and innovative crowdfunding solutions to deliver this benefit;

  • The primary wealth-building resources and benefits are work-related. However, the solution matrix decouples workers from dependence on traditional jobs, allowing them to broker new worker-ownership based options across a large scale, internet-centered peer-to-peer collaboration and co-creation infrastructure. The foundational non-work crowdfunding resources help workers build a financial foundation leading away from paycheck to paycheck dependence. This way, workers can comfortably pursue new worker ownership options and collaborations without needing the traditional hourly wage or salary;

  • The secret sauce supporting the large-scale formation and running of this new peer-to-peer infrastructure is the creation of new and innovative crowdfunding solutions required to fund worker-owned collaborations. These new solutions operate completely independent of traditional crowdfunding limitations associated with crowdfunding options we know today. Also, we use these new crowdfunding solutions to bypass the need for traditional venture capitalists, banks, and IPO funding altogether;

  • People do not have to pay back crowdfunding dollars or require these worker-owned collaborations to give up a percentage of their equity to funders, which further feeds the wealth-building dynamics of this system;

  • With these crowdfunding benefits, people can network, collaborate and build relationships completely independent of any corporate job or corporate decision-makers as with traditional jobs. The primary determining factor will be professional background, skill set or trade. When skills or trade is better served with technology or machine learning scenarios, people can use new crowdfunding and wealth-building resources to upgrade their professional credentials comfortably. Or, they can simply pursue entrepreneurial passion projects independent of their previous work background;

  • As this new peer-to-peer infrastructure grows and expands and large-scale wealth-building continues, at some point in the future, traditional companies and corporations will find it hard to find and keep qualified workers still willing to work for a mere hourly wage or salary. In other words, the two systems will collide. The vision behind this collision is called the Empowered Employee Compensation Model (EECM). The EECM replaces hourly wages and salaries with 10 new income resources and benefits and will usher in a 3-fold increase in the masses’ income and standard of living.

The foundational principle associated with Income Reengineering is Income Reengineering Principle Part 1, which states:

Income Reengineering Principle Part 1: Information technology can only translate into individual financial empowerment and wealth for the masses when the masses learn how to use new information technology and connective tools to interact and collaborate professionally with each other outside of the bounds of traditional employment and in ways that are financially empowering to all participating individuals.

You see this principle come alive in the peer-to-peer collaboration and co-creation scenario noted above.

Economic research is at the heart of Income Reengineering because, for all practical purposes, this is all concept and ideology at this point. We must test the principles and processes in the real world.

How We Put Income Rengineering Principles and Processes to the Test

This goes back to the notion of grassroots-led. People from all walks of life and professional disciplines participate and contribute part-time online, as independent contractors, to help field test and build this new online peer-to-peer collaboration and co-creation infrastructure. Operations run according to four a stage business plan:

  • Prelaunch to Stage I (Early Introduction)
  • Stage I (Early Growth and Development)
  • Stage II (Building the Foundation)
  • Stage III (Main Operations)
  • Stage IV (Corporate Integration)

As you can see, Stage IV is the corporate integration stage, which represents the economic fruits from the peer-to-peer infrastructure colliding with the traditional workplace.

Each stage is supported by a unique crowdfunding solution:

  • Prelaunch, Phase I: Early Network Development (Traditional Crowdfunding) 
  • Prelaunch, Phase II: Empower the Crowd First Crowdfunding System (ECFCS) – startup   
  • Stage I: Empower the Crowd First Crowdfunding System (ECFCS) – main   
  • Stage II: Gradual Entrepreneurial Allocated Resource System (G.E.A.R.S)
  • Stage III/IV: The Virtual Income Machines (virtual wages, virtual dividends, virtual bonds, virtual stocks)

These new crowdfunding solutions and systems represent an evolution in crowdfunding as required to meet the demands of the Income Reengineering Process because traditional crowdfunding, as we know it today, is not adequate. Nor is traditional business finance options.

Get In On the Ground Floor

Get in on the ground floor and make a significant professional contribution to this initiative. As a consequence, you can propel your career or business to the next level. This is because of the HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT scope of what we are doing and you have an opportunity to capitalize early.

How to Learn More

Your next step is to plug in and learn more. You have two options

  • Option #1: Visit the THINK BIG Mastermind Alliance. The Alliance is the Prelaunch Incubator and Business Development Hub. You can join the Alliance for free and learn the system via a series of educational videos. Start here;
  • Option #2: Or, if you don’t want to bother with a membership just yet, you can review and learn Income Reengineering Principles and Processes and associated operations via a series of educational links —- starting here.

About Dwight Chestnut 6 Articles
Dwight B. Chestnut is an ex-engineer turned business consultant and entrepreneur. His core focus and passion is developing, introducing and teaching Income Reengineering Principles and Processes to the general and business public.


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