Income Reengineering Process is one of the four parts of the Income Reengineering big picture focus

  • Income Reengineering Process

All four parts and supporting links work together to complete the Income Reengineering Picture.

The Income Reengineering Process

The Income Reengineering Process is the business process we use to put the business concepts and methodologies embodied by the Income Reengineering Part 1, Income Reengineering Principle Part 2, and the Income Reengineering Vision to the test. It states:

The Income Reengineering Process: The Income Reengineering Process is the real time, collaborative and interactive economic research into how to apply the internet and other information technology to aggressively and systematically integrate entrepreneurship and wealth focused principles, processes and compensation models into the mainstream workplace to the point where we make the Income Reengineering Vision a reality in the mainstream workplace.

As you can see, economic research is at the center of this definition because of the research required to field test and adjust the model as required.  

With this in mind, the Income Reengineering Process runs according to a four (4) stage business plan:

  • Prelaunch to Stage I (Early Introduction)

  • Stage I (Early Growth and Development)

  • Stage II (Building the Foundation)

  • Stage III (Main Operations)

  • Stage IV (Corporate Integration)

Each stage is supported by a unique crowdfunding solution:

  • Prelaunch, Phase I: Early Network Development (Traditional Crowdfunding) 

  • Prelaunch, Phase II: Empower the Crowd First Crowdfunding System (ECFCS) – startup   

  • Stage I: Empower the Crowd First Crowdfunding System (ECFCS) – main   

  • Stage II: Gradual Entrepreneurial Allocated Resource System (G.E.A.R.S)

  • Stage III/IV: The Virtual Income Machines (virtual wages, virtual dividends, virtual bonds, virtual stocks)

These new crowdfunding solutions and systems represent an evolution in crowdfunding as required to meet the demands of the Income Reengineering Process because traditional crowdfunding, as we know it today, is not adequate. For example, traditional crowdfunding includes:

  • Reward-based crowdfunding

  • Debt-based crowdfunding

  • Equity-based crowdfunding

  • Donation-based crowdfunding.


  • Debt and Equity-based crowdfunding is completely incompatible with the primary resources associated with the Empowered Employee Compensation Model (EECM) when considering that EECM enterprises are 100% owned by workers;

  • Reward and Donation-based crowdfunding are too limited for the scope of the Income Reengineering Process. In other words, there no way we can fund the Income Reengineering Process with donations and non-financial rewards.

For this reason, we have to innovate, create, and build new crowdfunding systems and solutions from the ground up and they are:

  • Stage I: The Empower the Crowd First Crowdfunding System (ECFCS)

  • Stage II: The Gradual Entrepreneurial Allocated Resources System (GEARS)

  • Stage III: The Virtual Income Machines

We anticipate using these new crowdfunding systems to raise millions/month in crowdfunding continuously month after month to fund operations. Here why?

  • As we move this research forward toward reaching the Income Reengineering Vision or some feasible version of it, it will create new wealth-building options for the masses in a big way;

  • As a consequence, we anticipate massive and large scale crowdfunding support. This support will increase continuously as we grow and expand toward launching the Virtual Income Machines in Stage III

A key point to note regarding how the Income Reengineering Process evolves:

  • Remember how in Part 1 of the Income Reengineering Principle people have to work online part-time in preparation to work full time for an EECM enterprise (i.e. earn extra income, pay down bills, etc.).

  • Working online part-time may not be sufficient to reach the masses because it may not be feasible for everyone to work online part-time.

With this in mind, working online part-time only applies during Prelaunch to Stage II of the Income Reengineering Process. Once we launch the Virtual Income Machines in Stage III, people can tap into Virtual Wages to get the funds they need without having to work online part-time. Here’s a recap of Virtual Wages for emphasis:

Virtual Wages: Virtual Wages is one of the four unique/specialized crowdfunding solutions we called the virtual income machines.  Virtual wages  insures employees can get funds to pay down bills, build up savings and generally build a financial foundation leading away to paycheck to paycheck dependence in preparation for work at an EECM enterprise.  No debt related credit checks, collateral or related issues apply.  Once individuals submit a resume, interview and get a job within an EECM enterprise, he/she can secure the funds.

Virtual wages and the other Virtual Income Machines come online in Stage III. For this reason, Stage III represents the main operations or the mainstay of the Income Reengineering Process as you can see below in the illustration.

General Operations

We run the Income Reengineering Process with participating, entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, and small business owners who interoperate and collaborate under the umbrella of 6 entrepreneurial incubators

  • Originating Partners

  • Consulting Partners

  • EECM Partners

  • Development Partners

  • Corporate Partners

  • Staffing Partners

Let’s take a look at each one:

Originating Partners:

  • Get paid to write special business plans designed to help run the Income Reengineering Process. All you need is a willingness to learn. The business plan will result in a business that you will own or it could be a strategic extension of an existing business. You will get plenty of help and support;

  • Once you have a finished and approved business plan, you can use the system to crowdfund your plan;

  • Once funded, you can staff your new business with other participating entrepreneurs;

  • Once you and your staff produce a product or service, the system will market that product or service to potentially millions who support the Income Reengineering mission/vision at no out of pocket cost to you;

The bottom line: As an Originating Partner, you will lead the way in bringing Part 1 of the Income Reengineering Principle to life:

  • The enterprise you start and get funded will create online positions so that people can work online part-time, earn immediate income, and build wealth.

  • This is why you will have direct access to the crowdfunding pools and get free marketing for the product/services your enterprise creates

Consulting Partners: If you are an entrepreneur or business consultant with a special area of expertise in the area of business formations or start-ups, then you can help Originating Partners write and finalize their business plans. Originating Partners will pay you a negotiated fee from the crowdfunding dollars they raise.

Corporate Partners: If you are a small business owner with an existing product or service, you can network and collaborate with Originating Partners, integrate your product or service into their business plans and benefit from both the crowdfunding and the marketing benefits offered to Originating Partners

EECM and Development Partners: You can participate and benefit as a part-time online staff member for Originating Partners. By doing so, you can just show up for work online part-time, work within your field of expertise or area of professional interest, and earn lucrative ownership-based compensation. More specifically, you earn 3 ownership-based compensation associated with the Empowered Employee Compensation Model online part-time

  • Productivity Based Compensation: This is a fee for service

  • Ownership Equity: You own a percentage of the online enterprise you work for

  • Residual Income Equity Benefit: You grow continuous monthly residual income linked to the success of the enterprise you work for

In fact:

  • This EECM Partner incubator is where we seek to create millions of part-time online income-producing and wealth-building positions for the masses to comply with Part 1 of the Income Reengineering Principle.

  • Originating Partners, Consulting Partners, Development Partners, and Corporate Partners work together as a team to create these positions. Originating Partners lead the way.

Staffing Partners: Staffing Partners generate multiple streams of monthly residual income simply by referring others to a free membership. The true beauty of this system is that, if you are currently into online marketing, affiliate marketing, or any referral-oriented business, you can use this Staffing Partner position to explode your existing business while adding additional income streams.

We use these Staffing Categories to establish the foundational online infrastructure for the prelaunch, Stage I, and Stage II modes of operation. Beginning in Stage III, we expand from just online to integrate operations into the mainstream workplace via strategic collaboration with companies and corporations.

Next, visit General Operations